General Liability Insurance

Protecting Your Business From Litigation
As a business of Florida myself, having General Liability Insurance is a must have!
Why should you consider liability insurance? Everyone should consider liability insurance because every business will have slips, falls, and accidents. It is a roll of the dice every time one one of these accidents happen. Every injury tied to your property is a ticking litigation time bomb waiting to go off. In fact, about 43% of small businesses (2022) are threatened with a law suit every year!
With this much of a risk, why not protect yourself with a liability insurance policy? Reach out to see how much a liability policy would cost you today. Want a free Quick Quote?
General Liability Contents
What Is General Liability Insurance?
General Liability Insurance protects you from acts of litigation.
Since we all make mistakes, slip, and fall, every business is at risk of having a liability claim. Without Liability Insurance, if you were involved in a case, all court expenses you inquire would be your responsibility to pay. Liability insurance is a service you pay for that would take on the court costs or owed settlement if your were to lose.
General Liability Insurance can be bought as a stand-alone policies or bundled into other business owner policies (BOP) for potential savings. Looking for a General Liability or BOP policy yourself? Get a free Quick Quote today from Florida’s favorite insurance company!
What Are Some Tips For Getting The Best Value?
With all the ins and outs, a business can be a very tricky thing to insure. With all cost factors, what are some of the main components insurance companies will charge for? Here are some of the big ones:
Business operations and purpose.
What the existing insurance covers.
For anything else more specific is completely dependent on the operations. As an insurance agent, we want you to save money. If you are happy with our service, you are more likely to stay. If you really want to know the best ways to save while getting a solid product, talk to an agent here at 3rd Generation Insurance.
What Does General Liability Insurance Protect?
General liability coverage can be very different depending on many different things, as well as your business type and operations. With how different every business is, by far the best and most accurate option is to talk with a business liability professional.
Most General Liability Insurance policies protect:
Court costs and settlements.
Personal and advertising injury.
Property damage.
Bodily injury.
Legal costs.
What, Why, And How?
What General Liability Insurance Coverage Do I Need?
To make it quick, it really does depend. Every level of protection heavily depends on your business and operations. There are other factors too like your location and insurance history. Since every business is unique, so are the business needs. For any estimate worth your time, it is best to talk to an agent who has dealt with the businesses in your area. Someone who knows the market. Looking to talk to a professional? Reach out to one of our local trained agents!
Why Do I Need General Liability Insurance?
Why should business owners consider liability insurance? All business owners should consider liability insurance because every business will have falls and accidents. Every time a business has an accident, it is a roll of the dice if weather or not it becomes a serious litigation issue. Every injury tied to your property is a ticking litigation time bomb waiting to go off. In fact, about 43% of small businesses (2022) are threatened with a law suit every year!
How Do I Get A General Liability Insurance Quote?
Especially when it comes to business insurance, the best way to get an accurate enough insurance estimate cost is to speak with an experienced agent. Finding someone who knows the market in your area can make a big difference. If you are looking for a quote then look no further! Talk with any of our experienced agents to find the competence you have been looking for. Click here to reach out!
Frequently Asked General Liability Insurance Questions.
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Related Terms
Business Insurance
Business Liability Insurance
Commercial General Liability Insurance
Commercial Liability Insurance
Professional Liability Insurance