5 Scams to Watch Out for After a Hurricane

After a devastating hurricane, communities come together to rebuild and recover. Unfortunately, amidst the chaos and vulnerability, scammers also see an opportunity to take advantage of those in need. It's crucial to stay vigilant and informed to protect yourself from potential scams. In this blog post, brought to you by 3rd Generation Insurance, we'll explore five common scams to watch out for after a hurricane: Charity Scams, FEMA Scams, Assignment of Benefits, Debris Removal Service Scams, and Housing Scams. Let's dive in and arm ourselves with knowledge to stay safe and secure during the recovery process.

  1. Charity Scams

In the aftermath of a hurricane, many charitable organizations step forward to provide support and aid. While most are legitimate and genuinely dedicated to helping, some opportunistic individuals may exploit people's generosity. Here are some tips to avoid falling victim to charity scams:

  • Research the charity: Verify the legitimacy of the charity by checking their credentials and reviewing their track record. Look for reputable organizations with a history of transparent operations and positive reviews.

  • Direct donations: Whenever possible, donate directly to the charity through their official website or authorized channels. Avoid sharing personal or financial information with unsolicited callers or emails.

  • Be cautious with crowdfunding: Crowdfunding platforms can be helpful, but exercise caution when donating to individual campaigns. Investigate the campaign organizer's credibility and ensure the funds will be used appropriately.

    2. FEMA Scams

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) provides essential assistance to individuals and communities affected by natural disasters. However, scammers may try to exploit this assistance for personal gain. Protect yourself from FEMA scams by following these guidelines:

  • Contact FEMA directly: Initiate contact with FEMA by calling their official helpline or visiting their official website. Beware of unsolicited calls, emails, or individuals claiming to represent FEMA.

  • Be wary of upfront fees: FEMA does not charge applicants for assistance services. Be cautious of anyone requesting payment or personal financial information in exchange for FEMA assistance.

  • Verify FEMA personnel: If someone claims to be a FEMA representative, ask for their official identification and cross-check their details with FEMA's regional office or helpline.

    3. Assignment of Benefits

Assignment of Benefits (AOB) is a legal arrangement that allows homeowners to transfer their insurance rights and benefits to a third party, typically a contractor or service provider. While legitimate AOBs can simplify the claims process, dishonest contractors may exploit this system. Learn more about AOB contracts here. Here's how to protect yourself:

  • Read and understand the AOB agreement: Carefully review any AOB agreement before signing it. If possible, consult with your insurance provider or a trusted professional to ensure the terms are fair and reasonable.

  • Research the contractor: Conduct thorough research on the contractor before entering into an AOB agreement. Check their credentials, references, and online reviews to ensure they are reputable and trustworthy.

  • Maintain communication with your insurance company: Stay actively involved in the claims process and maintain open communication with your insurance company. Ensure that all work performed is necessary, documented, and meets your satisfaction.

    4. Debris Removal Service Scams

After a hurricane, the need for debris removal services is significant. However, unscrupulous individuals may take advantage of the situation by offering fraudulent services or overcharging for their services. Protect yourself from debris removal scams with these tips:

  • Verify credentials: Ask for proof of licenses, permits, and insurance from the debris removal service provider. Legitimate professionals will have the necessary documentation to perform their services.

  • Get multiple quotes: Obtain quotes from multiple debris removal service providers to ensure you're receiving fair pricing. Be cautious of significantly lower or higher quotes than the average market rates.

  • Check references: Ask for references from the debris removal service provider and contact previous clients to inquire about their experiences. Positive testimonials and a good reputation are indicators of a trustworthy provider.

    5. Housing Scams

Finding temporary housing after a hurricane can be challenging, and scammers may try to exploit this vulnerable situation. Protect yourself from housing scams by following these guidelines:

  • Use reputable sources: Seek temporary housing options from trusted sources such as reputable rental agencies, well-known websites, or local community organizations.

  • Beware of upfront payments: Avoid paying substantial upfront fees or wire transfers without verifying the legitimacy of the housing provider. Be cautious of anyone requesting payment through unconventional methods.

  • Visit the property in person: If possible, visit the temporary housing property in person or ask someone you trust to inspect it on your behalf. Ensure that the property exists and meets your requirements before making any payments.

How Do You Report a Scam?

Call your local police station’s non-emergency phone #.

It is essential to take immediate action and notify the authorities if you come across any scams or fraudulent activities. Reporting such incidents helps protect others in the community and allows law enforcement to investigate and take appropriate measures against the scammers. Remember, your vigilance and cooperation contribute to creating a safer environment for everyone.

At 3rd Generation Insurance, we encourage our clients to prioritize their safety and security. We are committed to providing reliable insurance coverage and assisting our customers throughout the claims process. If you have any concerns or questions regarding insurance-related matters or need guidance in dealing with potential scams, our knowledgeable team is here to support you.

Remember, staying informed and alert is the key to protecting yourself and your loved ones from scams. Together, we can build stronger communities and ensure that our recovery from the aftermath of a hurricane is not marred by fraudulent activities.


In the aftermath of a hurricane, it's crucial to remain cautious and informed to protect yourself from scams. By being aware of common scams like Charity Scams, FEMA Scams, Assignment of Benefits, Debris Removal Service Scams, and Housing Scams, you can safeguard your interests and focus on the recovery process. At 3rd Generation Insurance, we prioritize the safety and security of our clients, providing reliable insurance coverage and expert guidance. Remember, knowledge is your best defense against scams, so stay vigilant and report any suspicious activities to the appropriate authorities. Together, we can rebuild stronger and more resilient communities.



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