Does Home Insurance Cover Solar Panels? Is It Worth It?

As the world continues to embrace renewable energy solutions, solar panels have gained significant popularity among homeowners. Not only do they offer environmental benefits, but they can also help reduce energy costs. However, before making the decision to install solar panels, it's crucial to consider the insurance implications. In this blog post, brought to you by 3rd Generation Insurance, we will explore the factors to consider from an insurance perspective when deciding to invest in solar panels for your home.

So is it worth it?

There's usually a cap -- often about 10% of the policy's dwelling coverage -- on how much the insurer will pay to repair these structures. For example, if the home is insured for $200,000, other structures on the property are only insured up to $20,000.


1. The Benefits of Solar Panels

Solar panels offer several advantages that make them an attractive option for homeowners:

a) Energy Cost Savings: Solar panels harness the sun's energy to generate electricity, potentially reducing or even eliminating your monthly energy bills. This can provide long-term financial savings, especially as electricity prices continue to rise.

b) Environmental Benefits: Solar energy is clean and renewable, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and lowering carbon emissions. By installing solar panels, homeowners contribute to a greener, more sustainable future.

c) Increased Home Value: Homes equipped with solar panels often have higher resale values. Buyers appreciate the potential energy savings and eco-friendly features, making solar-powered homes more appealing in the real estate market.

2. Insurance Considerations for Solar Panels

a) Coverage for Solar Panels: When installing solar panels, it's important to understand how your existing homeowners' insurance policy covers them. In most cases, solar panels are considered part of the dwelling, and coverage for damages caused by perils like fire, windstorm, or theft is typically included. However, it's recommended to review your policy and consult with your insurance agent to ensure adequate coverage.

b) Increased Replacement Value: Solar panels add value to your home, and it's essential to adjust your coverage limits accordingly. The increased replacement cost should be reflected in your policy to ensure that your solar panels are adequately protected in the event of damage or loss.

c) Liability Coverage: Solar panels pose certain risks, such as potential damage to neighboring properties or injuries to individuals working on or near the panels. Ensure that your liability coverage adequately addresses these risks to protect you from potential lawsuits or claims.

3. The Importance of Professional Installation and Maintenance

To mitigate potential risks and ensure the best insurance outcome, it's crucial to prioritize professional installation and ongoing maintenance of your solar panels. Engaging a reputable solar panel installer who follows industry best practices and meets safety standards will help minimize the risk of accidents, electrical issues, or faulty installations. Regular maintenance and inspections by qualified professionals will also contribute to the longevity and efficiency of your solar panels.

4. Solar Panel Insurance Florida

In Florida, as in many other states, solar panel insurance is an important consideration for homeowners who have installed solar panels on their property. While solar panels offer numerous benefits, such as energy cost savings and environmental advantages, it's essential to understand how they are covered by your homeowners' insurance policy and whether additional coverage is necessary to protect your investment. Not sure if solar panels are covered? Here is how to find out.

Here are some key points to consider regarding solar panel insurance in Florida:

  1. Homeowners' Insurance Coverage: In most cases, solar panels are considered part of the dwelling, and coverage for damages caused by perils like fire, windstorm, or theft is typically included in your homeowners' insurance policy. However, it's crucial to review your policy to ensure that solar panels are specifically mentioned and adequately covered. Check the policy limits to ensure they reflect the value of your solar panel system.

  2. Additional Coverage: Depending on the specifics of your homeowners' insurance policy, you may need to consider additional coverage options for your solar panels. Some insurance companies offer specific endorsements or riders that provide coverage for solar panels and any related equipment, such as inverters or batteries. These endorsements can help ensure that your panels are protected against damage, loss, or other perils not covered by standard homeowners' insurance.

  3. Liability Coverage: Solar panels carry certain risks, such as potential damage to neighboring properties or injuries to individuals working on or near the panels. It's important to confirm that your liability coverage adequately addresses these risks. Liability coverage should protect you from potential lawsuits or claims resulting from accidents or damages related to your solar panels.

  4. Professional Installation and Maintenance: To mitigate potential risks and ensure the best insurance outcome, it's highly recommended to have your solar panels professionally installed by a reputable company that follows industry best practices and meets safety standards. Additionally, regular maintenance and inspections by qualified professionals can help prevent accidents, electrical issues, or faulty installations, reducing insurance risks and ensuring the longevity and efficiency of your solar panels.

  5. Deductibles and Claims: Familiarize yourself with the deductibles and claims process specific to solar panels in your homeowners' insurance policy. Understand how deductibles apply to solar panel-related damages or losses and the steps you need to take to file a claim. It's advisable to document the installation, including photographs, receipts, and any maintenance or repair records, as this can be helpful during the claims process.

5. Does Insurance Cover Hail Damage?

Hail damage to solar panels is a concern for homeowners who have invested in solar energy systems. The coverage for hail damage typically depends on your homeowners' insurance policy and the specific terms and conditions outlined in it. Here are some important points to consider regarding hail damage insurance for solar panels:

  1. Homeowners' Insurance Coverage: In most cases, homeowners' insurance policies cover damages caused by hail, including damage to solar panels. However, it's crucial to review your policy and understand the extent of coverage provided. Pay attention to any exclusions or limitations related to hail damage and ensure that your solar panels are explicitly mentioned and covered.

  2. Deductibles: Your homeowners' insurance policy likely has a deductible, which is the amount you are responsible for paying out of pocket before your insurance coverage kicks in. Review the deductible amount specified in your policy and consider whether it is reasonable in relation to the potential cost of repairing or replacing your solar panels in the event of hail damage.

  3. Additional Coverage: Depending on your location and the prevalence of severe weather, including hailstorms, you may want to consider additional coverage options to protect your solar panels. Some insurance companies offer endorsements or riders specifically designed to cover solar panels against hail damage and other perils not covered by standard homeowners' insurance. Discuss these options with your insurance agent to determine if they are suitable for your needs.

  4. Documentation and Maintenance: To facilitate the claims process and ensure a favorable outcome, it's essential to document the installation of your solar panels. Keep records of the date of installation, photographs, receipts, and any maintenance or repairs performed on the system. These records can be valuable evidence when filing a claim for hail damage.

  5. Professional Installation: Having your solar panels professionally installed by a reputable company is not only important for safety and efficiency but also for insurance purposes. Insurance companies may require proof of professional installation to validate coverage and ensure that the system meets industry standards.

It's crucial to note that every insurance policy is different, and the coverage for hail damage to solar panels can vary. Therefore, it's highly recommended to consult with your insurance agent to review your policy and understand the specific coverage details for hail damage to your solar energy system.

Hot Take

At 3rd Generation Insurance, we recognize the growing interest in solar panels and the importance of considering their insurance implications. While solar panels can provide significant benefits, it's crucial to ensure that your homeowners' insurance policy adequately covers them. Our experienced agents can guide you through the process, reviewing your policy and helping you make informed decisions to protect your investment.

When it comes to solar panels, proactive risk management is key. By investing in professional installation and maintenance, you can reduce the likelihood of accidents or damages, providing peace of mind and potentially reducing insurance risks. We are here to support you in assessing your insurance needs and finding the right coverage to safeguard your solar panels and your home.


Solar panels offer homeowners numerous advantages, including energy cost savings, environmental benefits, and increased home value. However, it's essential to consider the insurance perspective before installing solar panels. Reviewing your existing policy, ensuring appropriate coverage for your panels, and addressing liability concerns are crucial steps in protecting your investment.

At 3rd Generation Insurance, we understand the evolving needs of homeowners in adopting renewable energy solutions. Our dedicated team of insurance professionals can help you navigate the complexities of insuring your solar panels, ensuring you have the right coverage for your specific situation. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you in securing the best insurance protection for your solar-powered home.


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